Mother's Day Gift Guide
Mother’s Day for me mean’s starring at the kids all day and thinking how did I get so lucky to have these two incredibly wonderful people in my life. I am in awe of how amazing they are and just hope that I don’t screw them up too much.
It’s about giving your self a break from the expectations. It’s about knowing things are not always going to be perfect and accepting it. It’s about letting go of the perfect picture or moment you’ve waited all year to capture that will not happen because the suns too strong. no one is looking or they are just laughing to much to care about your perfect picture. It’s about saying it’s ok.
Love of my life.
As a working mom I always worry that I am not there enough which I am probably not. That I am missing to much and that they won’t know how much I love them. That’s why for me my LOVE YOU TAGS are so special. Mom’s can’t always be there, working or for whatever reason. But when I am not I wear my LOVE YOU TAGS, to remind them that they are the best things that ever happened to me.
Diamond Constellation Pendants (I wear a Virgo and a Capricorn for my 2 kids)
2. Clean the house
Working all the time leaves me little time to stay on top of my house. If I came home to a clean house that would really make my day.
That will definitely get him a reward.
3. Get a chore done that MOM is dreading doing.
We just got a Costco near us and everyone has been saying how great it is. And I want so bad to go and check it out but I don’t want to be in charge of getting the membership. Let mom check something off her to- do list by just lifting a pencil.
4. Let her Relax
I have not sat down in a beach chair since I have had my kids. This year a new backpack beach chair would make my day. And you can find them at the Costco with the new membership you just picked up.
Tommy Bahama Backpack chairs.
5. Art Jewelry Classes and DIY’s
Moms never take a break to do something for herself. Giving Mom a gift that feeds her soul will allow her to be a better mom. A great way for creative sprits to rejuvenate is to do something artsy. So for the artsy moms I am giving you a 10% on all Art Jewelry Summer Classes and DIY’s use Promo Code WOWMOM.
6. Make her dinner
Between meal planning, grocery shopping, and actually making dinner, there’s a lot of time that goes into making sure your family is fed every night. Take that chore off her plate for a night and allow mom to enjoy extra time with the kids. Try this amazing new butcher in downtown Jersey City, Darke Pines. With Darke Pines you don’t have to worry about where it came from. You can have peace of mind and focus on what really matters: a delicious meal.
Mom’s love a good steak too!
7. Mother’s Helper
Things are different today. I hear every mother say cooking fresh food for a husband is just a drag. So she buys an instant cake, burns her frozen steak, and goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper. And to help her on her way to get her through her busy day is…. Corgi Spirits. Corgi Spirits is an independent, small-batch distillery with a passion for producing spirits that perfectly reflect our bold, lively character. Corgi makes gin, vodka and whiskey. You can find many delicious recipes on the website. Here’s one of my favorites.
2 oz. Corgi Spirits Saddlecoat Vodka
1 oz coffee liqueur OR 1 oz. freshly brewed espresso
.5 oz simple syrup
Fill a shaker with ice, add all ingredients and shake vigorously. Double-strain into chilled coupe. Garnish with 3 coffee beans.
8. Infinite Energy Collection
I don’t know who has more energy than a mom. They just keep juggling, making sure all the balls stay in the air. A circle signifies infinite energy. Circles are among the oldest of geometric symbols, and commonly represent unity, wholeness, and infinity. Pythagoras called the circle "monad," the most perfect of creative forms, without beginning or end - like a mom’s love. All pieces from collection Circlet for Mom are 10% off with Promo code WOWMOM.
9. Sleep
Getting a full night’s rest without waking up to an alarm clock or a hungry child in the morning is not only a dream come true, it’s unheard of. Try treating Mom to a full night’s rest. Let her wake up feeling refreshed. The perfect place to shop for luxury bedding is Luna Rosa home in Hoboken.
10. Hug and Kiss
Anyway you choose to celebrate tell Mom just how special she is. All she wants is know you love and appreciate her.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Beth Ann